
Saturday, September 1, 2012


Corruption affected nations.

          Corruption is actually a system just like a Government. Its not a single person or a single institution. Corruption has prove to be very fatal in the Middle-East, Asia-Pacific and SAARC nations specially. Corruption can not only be related to the Government institutions. Its actually a virus, a deadly virus that has infected the human brain severely, which is destroying the attitude towards our nation, our brothers and sisters.

          The main root of corruption is MONEY and EMERGENCY. One more fctor is IRRESPONSIBILTY or LACK OF AWARENESS. To remove corruption, all what we need is UNITY, COURAGE, AWARENESS.

          The problem is that you can fight against eve-tesers, rapists, killers. But you can't fight against corruption at all in such a law and order system may be where pictures, videos, audio recordings are said to be made duplicate by different softwares.

          The only antdote to this virus is UNITY, COURAGE and AWARENESS. Always remember, unless you start the game, you wont have any companion.

          So, its you alone who'll have to start. Even if it feels bad when you see your own people are corrupted, when you see your own men are bowing down their heads and accept defeat in front of the corrupted, you should stay there with your head staright and challenge the corruption.

          Its true, if you remove fear from your mind then it'll actually disappear in reality. There's nothing as I CAN'T DO....You can do....only term and condition is that you have to initiate and try.

You are corrupted?!? This is your future.

          No matter who is he/she is to you, no matter how much special he/she is to you, never forgive them those who have committed crime knowing it beforehand as for every single crime you would be accused of killing 100 new born babies at a time even if you haven't.

       A single crime you do, affects the whole world.

Limit the greed for money.

          Don't be so greedy. Leave the greed for money by cheating others or doing illegal works as YOU WONT BE ABLE TO TAKE THE MONEY WITH YOURSELF WHEN YOU WILL GO TO HELL.

          Always have the attitude to protest all types of corruption without fearing for your lives as for you the soldiers are fighting in the frontiers to save all of you from the terrorists. Atleast help them and their family too in return....ONLY IF YOU ARE A HUMAN BEING.